Monday, December 8, 2014

Ice making machinery

My next model will be an ice making machinery company.  Ice was an important product in the 1800's and early 1900's.  I remember as a small boy in the early 1940's seeing a horse drawn ice wagon on the street where I lived.  My friends and I would flock around the wagon in the summer to get a chip of ice to suck on.  There were still people then who had ice boxes instead of refrigerators.  My grandmothers cottage on Lake Ontario had an ice box and I would row our rented rowboat to the nearby ice house to get ice for the icebox.

Above is a side feed incline ice elevator.  The ice was drawn from a lake or pond and conveyed up the incline to be stored in the ice warehouse.  My model company will be making the machinery for this type of industry.

Above shows a portable electric ice elevator for raising and lowering manufactured ice blocks in the storage room.

Above shows a crushed ice elevator and a truck for transporting the crushed ice to customers.

The photo above shows the loading end of a refrigerated car loader.


Above are a crushed ice cart and a gasoline powered field ice saw.

These are photos of typical ice handling machinery made my my model company.  Because they make a wide variety of machinery the structure is a little larger than most of what I have been building.  It is also located against a wall in a corner.

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