Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Truck for machinery repair shed

As I am populating the machinery repair company lot, I decided I needed to put a small truck inside the repair shed for maintenance.  I looked through my built and kit trucks and did not find any that I wanted to use - especially since it will be very hard to see from the edge of the layout.  I then decided to scratch build a small truck using wood and card stock.  It was not necessary to be a great model since it is hard to see.  The result is a truck with no tires mounted on wood supports.

Yes,  I know it is crude but given the hard to see location it works for me.   When I finish the module (soon) I will include a photo showing what can be seen of the truck inside the shed.

My wife is giving me a new camera for Christmas ( I know because I picked it out - when you get to our age surprises are usually not required).  I expect that will help with my close up photos.


  1. "When you get to our age, surprises are not required."

    In fact, I'd say that at our age, surprises are usually a bad thing!

  2. As Krusty the Clown so famously said "It ain't just good - it's good enough"
