Saturday, February 7, 2015

Retread shop completed

I have completed the retread shop.  The side shed addition gives it a better look.  It is used to pull vehicles up to remove their tires for work.  The shed is made from wood with a metal sheathed roof.  The shed platform is styrene.

I added the shop doors on the front.  They are made from styrene like the rest of the building.

This view shows the shed area a little better.  I need to improve my lighting for these photos.  The details on the shed platform include a tire, a trash can, a jack, and a set of shelving at the back which I scratch built from cardstock and paper.  You can see the wires for my interior light sticking out at the back of the building.

Above is a close-up of the shelving before it was installed.  I put some drawers in the top shelf and left one hanging open with a wrench sticking out.  The stuff on the lower shelves is painted plastic sprue sections.  The blow torch on top is a cast metal commercial detail part as is the wrench on top.  The shaving is 1/2 inch high and 3/4 inch wide.  There was some cursing as I fat fingered this together.

Now on to my next project - whatever that will be.  Sometimes figuring out what to build can be difficult.

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