Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hoist & derrick company start

I have started work on my next project - a hoist and derrick company.  The first part of the structure is partially complete but I thought I would get something posted to give an idea of what I am doing.  This first part is against the wall with the nut & bolt company on the left and the ice machinery company on the right.

There is a small mirror between the nut & bolt office and the hoist & derrick company to simulate a passage between the two buildings.  This is an all wood structure other than the window castings and an embossed card stock stone foundation.  The roof is undecorated card stock at this point.   The upper door on the right is open and will have a hoist.

The components of the building will form a backwards "C" with the semi-enclosed area being for materials storage.  There will be a fenced in yard between the outside structure and the layout edge where derricks will be assembled before shipment.

My other project I am working on is repairing bird houses in the yard that have deteriorated over time.  It is time for the birdies to start nesting so I need to get their houses in shape.

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