Monday, May 11, 2015

Vintage diner model start

The process of constructing this diner model has been slow as I have been involved in several family activities - something that takes priority over building models.  The diner is partially complete lacking a roof and various exterior details.  It is all wood construction.

The diner is fashioned similar to a railroad car as were many early diners, although few were actually built from railroad cars.  I have added an interior although it will likely be hard to see since I will not be adding any lights.  For that reason the inter detail is somewhat crude.  I have added some figures sitting at the tables as they will be fairly visible.

With this higher level view the interior is easier to see.  

The above view shows the roof sitting on the diner - it is not yet attached.  The only commercial parts in this model are the figures and most of those are cheap plastic figures such as Plasticville.  Their legs have been amputated since they are sitting and the legs are not visible.  I did use commercial wood scribed siding and a commercial curved passenger car wood roof.

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