Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Platform scale co with building #2

Since it has been a while since I posted progress on this structure, I am posting this even though this building is not totally complete, but mostly complete.  I still need to do some weathering.  As you can see I modified the plan from what I had with the mockup.  That is why I don't waste my time doing detailed drawings.

Instead of the lower addition on building two I installed a loading dock and three doors - one on each floor - with a hoist at the top.  The upper two doors are open with some details inside each.  Inside the second floor door is a somewhat crude platform scale that I scratch built - didn't spend a lot of time on it as it is hard to see and not visible in this photo.

Above is the platform scale sitting on a glass piece that I use to tack glue small parts while I paint them.

More to come, but is is late here and I am tired.

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