Monday, June 22, 2015

Platform Scale company building #1

The first building of the platform scale company complex is mostly complete (there will at least be more weathering).  Building #2 is next and it attaches to the right of building #1.  You can see a partial wall of building #2 at the top right.  I put that in place to define the edge of the tarpaper roofing.

The unweathered brick area on the front is where the lower wood structure will attach.  You can see the pencil lines showing the outline of that wood structure.  The brick walls are thin plastic brick sheet which I glued to 1/32 inch thick card stock sheet, which is reinforced with wood strips.  All windows are styrene commercial parts.  The tar paper roofing is a Builders in Scale company product which is gray on one side and black on the other side.  Builders in Scale is now owned by C C Crow. Both companies make products that I like.  I also added a gutter and downspout on the left corner.  There will be a loading platform in front of the door.  

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