Thursday, September 3, 2015

Paper box factory partially complete

The factory is in place and the elevated walkways are complete.  I have done some detailing around the factory and have begun adding scenery - lots more to do.  I built several open cardboard boxes for details around the outside of the factory.  One of the larger ones is next to the front platform.  They were made from paper and painted tan.

To the right of the factory is the start of a wall which will have a row of billboards on top.  I am tired of making these moderately large structures agains the wall so my next structure will be a small wood structure.

One thing I have found is that the  room lighting on this structure is not good due to the location.  I am not sure at this point what to do about it since I did not include lighting in the structure.  One thought I have is to drill a hole through the benchwork from the under side at the back of the alley to the right - out of sight - and install a small bulb to light the back of the alley.  I will have to see if this will work.

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