Friday, September 11, 2015

Second hand goods store start

I have started working on a model of a Second Hand Goods store inspired by a photo in an old book.  This building is about 30 feet wide by 20 feet deep.  It is all wood with horizontal planking on the front and vertical capped siding on the sides and the back as seen in the prototype photo.  I am not building this exactly as in the photo, but am upgrading it as the prototype is somewhat crude.  So far I have constructed only the front of the structure.

Yet to be added is roof trim at the top, corner trim, a low porch along the base, double screen doors on each side of the center doorway and signs and posters.  The center door is the entrance to the store and is inset about 2 feet.  The right door is for access to the upper floor which is the residence for the proprietors family.

I plan to place some of the store goods (mostly furniture) on the porch - a chance to use some of the cast metal SS Ltd furniture I bought years ago.  Putting that furniture inside of a structure is mostly a waste as it is very hard to see even if the structure is lighted.  I did furnish the interior of an old Yorke bordello kit with full and populated interior.  Since those details are on the upper floor, I made the roof removable.  Even so they are hard to see as the structure is about 2 feet from the edge of the layout, thus only tall people can see inside unless a foot stool is used.

Below is the photo of the prototype.

I am also planning to add a storage shed on the right side of the building.

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