Thursday, September 17, 2015

Used goods store model complete

I have completed the used goods store model (unless I decide to add more details).  This was a reasonably easy model to build.  The left side and back have very little detail.  I expect to have the left side adjoin another structure and the back will be hard to view as it will face away from the edge of the layout.  The right side was made from a plain sheet of wood which I scribed vertically and then added 1x2 battens over most of the scribed lines.  The shed is commercial vertical scribed siding with a corrugated metal roof.

I added a screen door on each side of the main entrance.  There is an assortment of furniture on the porch including a chair, the end of a metal bed,  two dressers and and washing machine.  There are also two figures.

The three double pane windows are commercial castings.  All other windows and doors are scratch built from wood and cardstock.

Now I will have to decide what to build next.

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