Monday, October 26, 2015

Glue factory coal delivery system

The glue factory coal delivery system is now complete.  It was a difficult build both from the design and construction aspect.  None of the photos or drawings in my books gave very clear information on how the bucket system worked so I did my best to make it look reasonable.  The construction was also difficult as it was spindly and the cables (wires) were difficult to attach without damaging the cable structure - also my hands these days tend to shake when I work on fragile model work.  This was not my favorite part of the project but I think I turned out OK.

This is a front view.  The small structure next to the coal dump pit is the control shack for the bucket deliver system.  There is an old gray horse to the left of the shack - I filed a sag in his back and added a saggy belly with putty.  This is a little more humor.

The frame for the bucket system was built with wood uprights and a styrene I beam that the bucket travels on.  The cable pulleys were made from wood and card stock.

I placed a few pallets along the side of the boiler house as well as a wheelbarrow made using a plastic barrow shell, a plastic spoked wheel and small wood strips.  The scenery is partially complete with ample coal spills.

Still more scenery work to do.  The next part of the industry will be the glue drying house.

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