Friday, November 27, 2015

Acid tank truck for glue factory

I built a small tank truck for the acid tank at my glue factory.  The starting point was a plastic army style tank trailer which I modified and added a front end.

As a close-up it looks a little crude but sitting on the layout it looks decent.  The cab and front end were made from card stock.  The headlights were pieces on plastic sprue rounded ends.  The front bumper is a strip of metal.

The spigot on the back of the tank is the end of a train line hose.   Below is a photo of the tank trailer that I started with.

I cut off the squared fenders and made new ones from card stock.  It was a simple and fun project.

I have decided on my next structure to build.  I am using a photo I took on one of my railman trips to Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. It may be crude but it has character and the big rear wheels give it a purposeful stance.
