Friday, January 8, 2016

Warehouse handling equipment factory model

My next model will be a warehouse handling equipment factory.   I wrestled with the design on this for several days based on the following photo as my inspiration.  The actual model will only slightly resemble this photo.

The main feature I will be using from this photo is the external tramrail for,  in my model,  delivering product construction materials to the loading windows in my structure.  The products my factory will be  manufacturing are items such as elevating trucks, portable elevators, self-loading trucks, and trailers for electric tractors.

The above facility is about 1910-1915 vintage whereas mine is 1939 so there will be no wagons and the actual tramrail design will be different.  My facility will have a rail loading dock at trackside and the tramrail on the other side such as above.  There will be a truck loading dock on one end.  The model will have no interior details this time.

After making several sketches of the intended model,  I finally just started building the sides.

Below is another photo of a tramrail installation being utilized for handling bar stock and products.  This tramrail installation has an operator cab to control the operations.

While tramrail installations were usually operated by electricity, the forms of power were also used.  Sophisticated tramrail implementations also employed rail switches of various types, signal lights, lift-out links for elevator doors, and other devices.

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