Saturday, February 27, 2016

Peekup & Dropove Transfer Company model

I have completed the Peekup & Dropove transfer company model.  This company was started in the 1920's by Don Peekup and Willie Dropove with only a single truck and an old, small warehouse.  They have grown the business to where it is today (1939).  I have added a number of figures, both plastic and cast metal.  The guy in the upper loading door was there previously - he was made from a cheap Plasticville figure that was holding a newspaper or magazine up and had a bag of them around his shoulder.  I removed those things and painted him.  The other figures, except the two guys lifting a box, all had minor surgery before painting.  Most of the boxes were made from an old set of cast metal box sides of unknown origin.  The barrels are of various heritage.

I added a small shed on the right side as well as cement block loading platform.  The shed will serve to separate this industry from the next one to be added to the right later on.

I added a small stack made from a wood dowel to the roof.  The loading docks are all built from wood strips.

After thinking about the name for this I decided on the cutzie name on the sign.  Nothing wrong with a little humor.  After selecting it, I thought about a radio program I used to listen to years ago before it ended.  It was called Car Talk and featured Tom and Ray Magliozzi (pronounced "mayotzi")  It was a very humorous program and actually had good car advice.  That program is still available as re-runs.  I still remember listening to radio adventure and comedy programs when I was a young child.  Things like the Green Hornet, The Shadow and the like.  There was not much TV then except for very expensive special devices.  I recall when we eventually got our first TV it was small and black & white.  TV at that time had no programming until about 5:00 pm - just showed test patterns until 5:00.    That was all a long time ago ............

I will be placing this industry on my layout and adding scenery and trucks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Transfer company model start

The transfer company model is well along but there are more details to be added.  The structure is primarily a clapboard siding structure.  The structure will be placed along the wall next to the glue factory.  On the left side is a mirror simulating a passthrough between the structures.

The windows are plastic Tichy products.  The front platform will have trucks in front of it and boxes on the platform.

The right side shows an open loading door on the upper level.  There is a hook lift at the top of the door.  A modified figure is standing in that doorway.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Truck examples for the transfer company model

The function of my transfer company is to move cargo from the railroad by truck to the transfer company warehouse for regrouping and transfer to individual customers by delivery trucks.  I believe that is essentially how most transfer companies worked.  The warehouse is not large since the cargos were only stored there temporarily.

The freight truck above is typical of the trucks of the 1930's, and of the trucks that would be used by my transfer company.  I will be building some trucks and trailers to be parked at the transfer company loading dock.

The photo above illustrates trucks lined up for delivery - these are from about 1920 but gives the idea of what I am trying to achieve. 

I am in the progress of constructing the warehouse and that will be presented in a few days (or so).  

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Vintage´plumbing truck model

In between my work on the warehouse hoisting equipment factory and the mail truck I converted a cheap plastic jeep model into a vintage plumbers truck.  When I started working on it- hacking up the jeep - I was not sure what the purpose of the truck would be, but I found some plumbers decal signs and decided that is what it would be.  It did not turn out as well as I had hoped but here it is.

The added body was constructed from card stock  I put a rack of pipes on the roof and a ladder on the back to get to them.

I will place this truck near my plumbing supply company on the layout.

More warehouse hoisting equipment examples 

Below are two more examples of interesting vintage warehouse hoisting equipment circa 1930.

Above is an automated platform truck. This device was used to move materials and products around inside of the warehouse and out onto the loading platforms.  

Above is what was called a portable elevator.  This device would have been moved to a stationary position and then used to lift materials.  

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Stewart Company factory AKA W.T.E. factory

I decided to name the warehouse handling equipment factory Stewart Company for a friend.  I added a sign to the roof and placed the factory on the layout.  At this time it is sitting there with scenicing to be done.

The factory is located next to the machinery repair company and behind the main street of buildings including the blacksmith shop and the gas station.  Behind the factory is the series of buildings along the wall.

As well as working on the warehouse hoisting equipment factory I have been building a Jordan mail truck kit.   The Jordan kits make into nice models but they can be a little tricky to build.  I added a improved and painted Plasticville mailman standing next to the truck.

Next Project
I have decided on my next model and actually started working on it.  It will be a transfer company, which is basically a truck terminal where goods are delivered to be transferred to to another truck for delivery to a customer.  I drew a rough sketch and determined some basic dimensions.  It will have a number of loading docks where I will place a variety of trucks.  These type of facilities have been used for many years and are still used today.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

W.H.E. Factory Complete - almost

I have completed the warehouse handling equipment factory with the exception of signs.  I am still wrestling with the name of the factory so have not created the signs.  I usually name my industries for friends and family, but also create other names if it seems more appropriate.  Most of the last few days have been occupied with adding figures and details.

The dock on the right has some factory products and some materials for building those products.  On the roof are two saw horses I built,  as well as some lumber and a saw, along with a worker.  There is also some junk laying on the ground along the base of the building.

Most of the figures on this model have been modified, all are plastic.  The man standing by the door of the boiler shed was a policeman figure holding a club in front of him - now he is holding a long wrench and his uniform has been changed.

The above view is the rear of the structure and will have a railroad track by the rear loading dock.

The two products above are some of the type of products this factory will be producing.  I constructed a jacklift model similar to the lower figure using wood strips, card stock, and wheels made from card stock disks punched out using a leather punch.  It is located on the platform near the front adjacent to the tramrail.

After I have added the signs and installed this model on the layout I will take a final photo.   I am now thinking about what I will model next.

This week I attended a football signing ceremony at my grandson's high school.  He has been recruited by a good college due to his football skills and high grade point average.  We are very proud of him.