Thursday, February 4, 2016

W.H.E. Factory Complete - almost

I have completed the warehouse handling equipment factory with the exception of signs.  I am still wrestling with the name of the factory so have not created the signs.  I usually name my industries for friends and family, but also create other names if it seems more appropriate.  Most of the last few days have been occupied with adding figures and details.

The dock on the right has some factory products and some materials for building those products.  On the roof are two saw horses I built,  as well as some lumber and a saw, along with a worker.  There is also some junk laying on the ground along the base of the building.

Most of the figures on this model have been modified, all are plastic.  The man standing by the door of the boiler shed was a policeman figure holding a club in front of him - now he is holding a long wrench and his uniform has been changed.

The above view is the rear of the structure and will have a railroad track by the rear loading dock.

The two products above are some of the type of products this factory will be producing.  I constructed a jacklift model similar to the lower figure using wood strips, card stock, and wheels made from card stock disks punched out using a leather punch.  It is located on the platform near the front adjacent to the tramrail.

After I have added the signs and installed this model on the layout I will take a final photo.   I am now thinking about what I will model next.

This week I attended a football signing ceremony at my grandson's high school.  He has been recruited by a good college due to his football skills and high grade point average.  We are very proud of him.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Maybe you should name the factory after your grandson?
