Monday, March 14, 2016

Hardware & Machinery parts store complete

I have completed the hardware & machinery parts store and named it for my friend Jim Musser.  The structure will be added to the front street along the edge of the layout extension.  I have decided to place it between the rooming house and the diner.  That fills up the row.

The roof is covered with corrugated metal and I have added a bunch of details on the porch/loading dock.  The roof sections were spray painted gray then weathered with washes of india ink and alcohol bended with washes of my orange acrylic paint in alcohol (my rust mixture).  After the sections were glued to the roof I added touches of chalk weathering.

Some of the details on the dock include a scale, a box, a barrel, a vertical pump, an oxygen cylinder, a wheel barrow, some sacks and two figures.  There is a dog sitting on the left edge.

Above is a low angle view.  You can see the sign on the right side wall of the dock.

Now I need to decide what to build next.  Meanwhile I am building an N scale structure for an article I will send to the NMRA magazine.  My brain sees models in HO scale so it is a little bit of a challenge to build in N scale, not to mention my degraded vision.  Some years ago I had some On2 modules and built a few models for that, but it is difficult to deal with multiple scales at the same time so I sold all of the On2 stuff.

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