Sunday, June 19, 2016

My father's T&E railroad - more photos

Two years ago I posted photos of my father's Troll & Elfin railroad (route of the teeny folk), along with a little background on him.  Today, on fathers day, I am posting some more.  His approach to model railroading was to have fun, so he did not adhere that much to any prototype.

Above is a photo of one of his industries (Drake's International Foods) named as usual for one of his friends.  He placed figures in front of it for a humorous scene.

My father loved camelback locomotives and most of his locomotives were camelbacks - many were kit bashed from non-camelback locos.  He had a weekly model group that met at each others house - they were called the camel drivers.

Above is a photo of his scratch built Troll station.  It was modeled after one of the western narrow gauge stations.  I still have that model, but it needs a little repair work.  The Gay hotel behind the station was named for his friend Bill Gay of Phoenix Arizona.  Bill passed away many years ago.

My father was a life long member of the NMRA and contributed many articles to the NMRA Bulletin (now the NMRA Magazine), especially during the time Whit Towers was the Bulletin editor.  Whit and my father were good friends.  My father and several of his friends were, however,  critical of some of the things the NMRA did, such as building a headquarters building which became an expense burden for the NMRA and was finally disposed of by Charlie Getz and his administration.  As a result of my fathers irritation with the headquarters and other things, he built the tongue-in-cheek model below.

The signs for the building were made for him by his friend Bud Sima.  I still have this structure.

The T&E and my father are long gone but I remember them well.

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