Sunday, July 31, 2016

Welding shop completed

I have completed the welding shop model.  More detail will be added when I install it on the layout.  The signs were created on my computer.

The welding takes place in the left side structure while the right side is primarily office space.

All windows are by Titchy except the two windows in the large shop doors.

Both back doors are scratch.  The stacks and roof vent are commercial parts.  The side vent is made from a piece of clapboard siding.

Above is an interior view taken before the roof was added.  I installed some crude details and pieces of junk as I will be installing a welding light simulator after the structure is installed on the layout.  the 3 LED lights will be installed through the floor between the auto and the fireplace.  The weldingLED kit is by Evan Designs and consists of two blinking white and one non-blinking blue LEDs.  It is very inexpensive.  I have tested it on the workbench but have yet to see how it looks installed in the structure.   It remains to be seen how well the interior details will be visible after installation.

1 comment:

  1. Evan Designs Welding kit is here ""
