Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Building Supply Co main bldg complete

I have completed the main building of the building supply company.  This is primarily a warehouse but has a small office in the lower right corner of the building.  There is a hoist in the open doorway of the upper floor to move materials up and down.  Many of the supplies will be located in the open yard area.  The end you do not see is blank as it will fit against the room wall.

I have added several figures in the open doorways.  For these interior figures I usually use cheap Plasticville figures - I have a lot of them.  I don't have much use for female figures so I often just modify them to use as male figures.  The rear figure in the upper doorway was a female figure.

There is an external stairway at the left rear for access to the upper floor by personnel.

A few days ago I spent several hours sorting through several drawers of electrical and electronic parts - many acquired from various estates I dealt with.  Some I discarded and the rest were sorted into coherent groups.  I have LOTS of "gain of wheat" style bulbs and LOTS of electric wire connecting blocks.  I will likely use very little of this stuff but I am reluctant to throw them away.


  1. i continue to be impressed with your rate of quality production. i also had a set of Plasticville HO people, albiet 56 years ago. the set came with a palette of hard dots water activated paint which would not stick to the people no matter how hard my 8 year old fingers tried.

    will be interested to see these two buildings installed on the layout.

  2. Stan,

    Two lines from this post stood out for me:

    "I don't have much use for female figures..."


    "I will likely use very little of this stuff but I am reluctant to throw them away."

    For the first, well, I'll just leave that one alone.

    For the second, I heartily agree. It seems to be a basic tenet of most modelers, myself included. I recently culled out some accumulated stuff and still end up with more than I'll probably ever use.

    Merry Christmas,

