Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Disc wheel exhaust fan model

I have constructed a vintage style disc wheel exhaust fan for the side wall of the next structure I am building.  This took a lot more time than I thought it would.  This next structure is a combination storage and work shop structure for the building supply company.

I built this starting with a ring cut from a piece of plastic tubing about 4 scale feet in diameter.  I then added cross supports for the fan hub using small wire scraps.  Lastly I made some fan blades from paper.  I made several attempts at this.  The result is OK and should look decent in the building side on the layout.

Above is a prototype of this style fan.

Above is another version of this fan in a wood frame with a steam driven motor attached.  I will have a similar frame inside my building.

I am not aware of any commercial detail part for a vent fan of this type.

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