Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Industry hat examples

I have been working on my hat factory model which is progressing slowly.  The starting point is a DPM kit which I am modifying extensively and the modifications are difficult.  I think it would have probably been easier to just scratch build the whole thing.  In any event, I am not ready to post the model itself.  Instead I am posting more examples of period industrial workers wearing hats.  But the first photo is an event in 1987 held at the Cass West Virginia railroad sponsored by the Mountain States Logging Association back in 1987 where they requested attendees to dress in period dress.  Some did including me.

In the photo above I am the third parson from the left.  That was an interesting event.

In the early to mid 1900's workers in many professions wore hats.  It was the the style of the day.

Above are workers on the Rio Grande Railroad preparing the right of way.

And here is a logging operation.

And lastly is a photo of a mining operation in South Dakota.

Wearing hats was the standard in those days thus the success of the hat industry.

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