Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hat factory model complete

I have completed the hat factory.  I have named it the Madd Hat Factory - a little humor.   I have been trying to come up with more details - maybe later.  It is basically two combined structures - one brick and one wood clapboard.

There is a water tower on the roof (scratch built from miscellaneous parts),  a hoist in the open upper floor doorway with a figure standing in the opening, and a loading dock that serves both structures as well as rail and truck service.  There is a figure on the loading dock as well as a pallet loaded with hat boxes and a dolley in the inside corner.  The shingles on the roof are a commercial product by Precision Lazercraft.

There is a side wall vent on the left side.  The inside of the lower floor of the brick structure has some rudimentary details (hard to see) and a figure near the front window.

The rear of the industry is very bland and undetailed since it faces away from the edge of the layout and unviewable.

This industry will be located on an older section of the layout extension in front of the Bolt and Nut company.

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