Thursday, March 2, 2017

Harbor Inn model start

Here is an early and incomplete presentation of my latest model, which I am calling the Harbor Inn.  It will be located along the new dock.  The model is not completely painted, has no roof and many more details to be added.  I thought I should do a posting as it has been a week since the last posting. I had a lot of things that interfered with my model work, but that is life.

The lower floor is a restaurant and the upper floor has three rooms.  The upstairs rooms are accessed by the outside stair case and the door at the back of the upper platform.  That door has access to a hallway, which in turn provides access to the rooms.  I am going for a somewhat deteriorated look, but not too deteriorated.  All windows and the front door are commercial parts.  The side and back doors are scratch as is the rear window.

The back is fairly bland with one upstairs window in the hallway and a rear door on the lower level to take out the trash.  The left side has no details as it will have another structure beside it.

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