Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fishnet & buoy shop complete

The fishnet and buoy shop is now complete and installed on the layout.  The shop yard is fenced and contains fishnets and buoys,  The fence is board by board with a few signs on the front - you always need advertising.

On the left side inside the fence is a fishnet rack.  the fishnets were made from cheese cloth stained with my alcohol/ink mixture.  There is also a fishnet hanging on the wall of the shop with multi-colored buoys hanging on it.  The buoys were made from various materials including plastic sprue nubs and wood sticks, all rounded on one end with a rod on the other end.

There are several birds on the roofs and one of the fishnet posts.  Four figures are in the yard.

All of these photos were taken from an elevated position to enable seeing the details in the yard area.

My next project will be a small dredge barge to be located in the water in front of the dredge company.

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