Sunday, November 26, 2017

Industrial Vacuum Co complete

I have added the second building to the industrial vacuum company completing the industry, although additional features will likely be added.  The view below is what will be seen from the edge of the layout.  The track is on the other side of the industry.

These photos are darker than I prefer but the recent computer operating system update changed the way the Photos process works and I am still trying to understand how to use it.  I have a number of details on the flat roof which are not easy to see in this photo.

The loading dock on the left is the truck loading dock and the one on the right is rail-side.  I built another, smaller vac which is sitting on the truck loading dock.  There is a figure on the roof of the near structure who is peering over the edge at the rail loading dock.

Next I will be installing the industry on the layout.  

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