Thursday, November 9, 2017

Industrial vacuum co shop

I have completed the industrial vacuum company shop.  There will be additional structures attached to the far end.  The shop has interior details which can be seen to some degree through the open door assisted by the various windows.  The details are all scratch built simulations of machinery with some figures included.  The windows in the upper section were made from sections of City Classics industrial windows and were a little tricky so took me longer than expected too make.

The side windows are by Tichy.  The tar paper strips on the roof are Builder in Scale/C C Crow.

Next I will build the additional buildings as well as some industrial vacuum machinery.  Below are more examples of the early industrial  vacuum machines.

Above is an example of an industrial vacuum machine cleaning lint out between the spindle bases of a textile mill.

And above are examples of several styles of industrial vacuum machines.

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