Sunday, December 31, 2017

Hardware store model start

Here is the start of my old hardware store model.  I first began by modifying a DPM resin kit but soon realized it was not a fit for what I was trying to achieve so that went into a box for maybe later.  This structure will adjoin the old house I just built.  The roof will be shingled.  There will be a front porch with lots of "stuff" on it and a roof/porch above it.  I plan to have some interior detail near the front of the inside since the front windows are fairly large.

Below is a view of the rear of the structure.

I am not yet sure what other details this structure will have since I make these things up as I go along - that is the fun of it.

Below is a very old cartoon apparently from a newspaper as I has gardening ads on the back.  I just think it is a fun cartoon.

More to come next year.

Happy New Year!

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