Friday, December 8, 2017

Industrial vacuum co installed

The industrial vacuum  company has been installed with some scenery around it.  It fits into a tight industrial area.  I also built a storage battery truck to move supplies and finished products around the factory.

Above is a view of the other end of the factory.

And another view above.

Above is my battery truck model with  load of supplies.  I sized this by the wheels which are RR truck wheels with the flanges removed.  It was modeled based on the prototype below.

Another variation of this type of motor truck is below.

That concludes my work on this model unless I come up with other ideas.  I really had fun making the machinery.

Next Model

Next I will be building a street scene across the track from the vacuum company and located in the middle of the module.  It will include old houses, garages, stores and whatever else I come up with.

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