Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hardware store model complete

I have completed the hardware store model and attached it to the old house.  These models will be part of a street scene with structures on both sides of the street.  I added a variety of hardware items on the front porch of the store.  Sadly, the details I added inside are barely visible through the windows.  I added a figure on both the lower and upper porch.

Above is a rear view of the structure.

And above is an angle view of the structures.  The railings and porch columns are all commercial products from my parts boxes but I have no idea of the manufacturer.  The details on the lower porch are also commercial parts.

I am still thinking about what to b build next - always a challenging process.

1 comment:

  1. Stan - what a well-proportioned block of structures. Looks nicely 'ordinary' and life-like. I have been catching up on your posts after a short absence, and I am always glad to see what you come up with next.

