Sunday, April 22, 2018

Merchant tailor shop start

My next structure on the street is a merchant tailor shop.  It will be attached to the right side of the apothecary shop.  A merchant tailor is essentially a tailor that makes his own clothes.  This is being built using wood and card stock.  The windows as usual are Tichy.  The door is a Grandt Line product.

It has taken a little longer than usual to post this as I have been busy working in the yard mowing and picking up an unusual amount of fallen tree limbs and twigs - a result of lots of strong winds.  I am also in the process of power washing my deck and re-staining the clean boards.  Not my favorite tasks but necessary.

I also built another SS Ltd truck, this time with high sides on the back.

The truck in the front is the new one, the other was what I previously built.  Same kits, just a little different.

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