Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Clarke feed & seed store complete

I have finally completed the feed & seed store.  This has been a rough week for me.  I was using a tall step ladder to cut down one of the many bag worm webs in my trees when the branch with the web in it came right at me when I cut it - I ducked and destabilized the ladder and it fell to the ground with me on it.  I sustained bruises and a gash on my leg.  I guess it could have been worse.  In any event the store is complete though I may add more details in the future.

The fun thing I added on the front porch is a jug band.  When I install it on my layout I will add some audience in the street.  On the rear right side is a wood "grain" bin.  Not sure what is in it.

The door on the left side is to allow carts or whatever to be moved into the storage area at the back of the store.  The roof is covered with commercial roll roofing and heavily weathered.

Above is a view of the rear of the store.  There is a pile of sacks on the rear porch.  I added lots of commercial signs on the building.

As usual, I next have the always difficult task of deciding what to build next.  TBD .......

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