Sunday, September 2, 2018

Shovel factory building complete

I have completed the first of the three factory buildings - the factory itself.  I modeled interior details which as usual are not very visible with the roof on, but you can see some due to the wide main door and large windows.  Also, I enjoy modeling interior details.  Some of the details are from a plastic machinery  detail kit and the others scratch built.

Above you can see an overall view of the interior before the roof was added.

Above is a view of the interior from another angle.  The center rear door is an entrance to the warehouse which will be attached and is the next model I will be constructing.  I made some metal sheets from paper painted silver - one is on the table and others are in the cart by the rear door.  The metal is material for constructing the shovels.  The shelves to the right rear were made from card stock and stuffed with "junk".

This view shows the factory with roof and furnace stack added, as well as an exterior oil tank.  You can see the furnace at the rear in the first interior view.  It was made form wood and paper scraps.

In this view you can see a few interior details inside the door.  I will probably add open wood doors at each side of the door opening.

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