Monday, September 17, 2018

Shovel factory warehouse

I have completed the warehouse for the shovel factory.  It was relatively easy but I built a mobile lift that took way more time than I thought it would.  The warehouse has vertical wood siding and is attached to the factory building.

The warehouse is a two story structure with a deck that will probably be rail side.  The upper open door has a hoist and a figure inside holding a control cable (not visible in this view).  On the deck is the mobile lift,  a pallet of material ready to be hoisted up to the second floor,  and a bundle of shovels next to the lower door.

Above is the factory building showing the other side of the warehouse.  The is a door from the warehouse to the factory roof and a ladder up to the warehouse roof.   The next building will be the office located to the right of the warehouse.

Above is an image of an old Tiering lifting truck.  I found it somewhat difficult to build a model of this due to all of the small details and my shaky hands.

Above is my model of the lift with an operator on the rear platform.  It is mostly wood with a plastic wheel frame.  My model is not exact but close enough for me.

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