Saturday, October 27, 2018

Old machine shop start

My next model will be an old machine shop with a building that is well worn.   I have started with the walls and floor of the building.  The roof will be removable to allow the interior machine details to be seen.  The wall are made from thin plastic brick material glued to a wood interior.  I found when cutting the plastic that the brick rows were not totally parallel - very annoying.  The floor is a sheet of card stock.

The small door at the left above is for access from inside to an outside loading dock.  Inside is a ramp.

Above is a view of the other end from an elevated height so you can see the interior ramp.  On this end at the near corner will be a stone boiler house to provide power to the shop.

Next I will complete the boiler house which I have already started and assemble the cast metal machinery for inside.  I intend to do a lot of weathering and details both inside and out.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Roofing company truck

This truck started with the front end of a cheap plastic fire engine.  The rest of the truck is scratch built.  It is intended to be an old and beat-up truck to carry roofing materials.

The cab was made using card stock and the truck bed is wood.  I added some old style wheels from my large stock of various sizes and styles of wheels and tires.

The truck bed is stocked with a ladder, two barrels, an open box (front right side) holding a saw and various tools,  A small bucket behind Bob who is sitting on the rear of the truck bed.  There is a lantern hanging on the right side of the truck bed front.  

This was an interesting build.

I have decided my next model will be a small brick machinery company building with a variety of machinery inside.  I plan to make the roof removable so the interior detail will be visible for a change.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Roofing company model

I have decided to make my recent model a roofing company.  I find it harder and harder to come up with different industries or businesses.  I have done just about everything I can think of that fits my era and general location (western Pennsylvania ).  In any event the model is now finished with signs and details.

I named it the O.H. Shucks Roofing company - a little humor.  In the front is a pallet with a stack of shingles on it.

On the side are a variety of details including a ladder, barrels, and a guy sitting on a chair on the porch.  I built the chair from scratch with tiny wood pieces and paper.  At the rear of the side is a pile of corrugated metal and wood scrap.

I glued a paper base underneath extending from the sides to hold the scenery and details since adding these things after the structure is installed on the layout can be difficult.

As usual when I build a model, I did some internet searches on roofing companies, shingles, etc.  for modeling ideas.  Interestingly after these searches, I got some calls from small local roofing companies - I do not recall ever getting calls from roofing companies before although I do get a regular spate of spam calls from all kinds of organizations.  That was of course before I posted what the model was.

Again I need to decide what to model next.  This gets harder and harder.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Small wood business structure model

I have been working on a small wood structure that will be some business but I have not yet decided what business that will be.  I just liked the design.  The structure is essentially complete but still awaiting signs and details.  I did detail the interior of the garage but as usual is difficult to see those details.  The building siding is board & batten.

The roof is shingled with the Campbell paper shingles colored with ink alcohol solution and black soot,  and the widows are by Tichy.  All doors are scratch built.

The side door is under the roof covering the shed and there is also a shed door under that roof.

The smoke stack on the back was made using a piece of plastic angle sprue with a paper top.

Now I have to decide what business this is ....