Saturday, October 27, 2018

Old machine shop start

My next model will be an old machine shop with a building that is well worn.   I have started with the walls and floor of the building.  The roof will be removable to allow the interior machine details to be seen.  The wall are made from thin plastic brick material glued to a wood interior.  I found when cutting the plastic that the brick rows were not totally parallel - very annoying.  The floor is a sheet of card stock.

The small door at the left above is for access from inside to an outside loading dock.  Inside is a ramp.

Above is a view of the other end from an elevated height so you can see the interior ramp.  On this end at the near corner will be a stone boiler house to provide power to the shop.

Next I will complete the boiler house which I have already started and assemble the cast metal machinery for inside.  I intend to do a lot of weathering and details both inside and out.

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