Saturday, December 29, 2018

Plaster shop model start

My next model will be a small plaster shop which does plaster work for homes and businesses.  That work consists of applying plaster to walls and ceilings as well as doing stucco and similar work on outside walls.  Plaster work has been done since ancient times (think pyramids in Egypt).  These days most homes and businesses only have drywall as it is cheaper and quicker.

The roof is not complete as it will have a tar paper cover as well as other details.

The rear door is wide to permit moving large items in and out of the building.  There will be a storage shed at the back.  The upper opening on the side above is a vent.

I recently discovered that comments on my blog were going to googleplus which is something I do not use.  I do not know why that was happening but searched the "statistics" section and selected something that may resolve that problem, though I understand that gplus function may be discontinued.  I do not use any of the so called social media as I do not trust them.

There are a lot of additional features to be added to this structure as well as a truck for transporting the materials and tools for plaster work.  I keep trying to come up with different businesses but it is getting more difficult to come up with new ideas.

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