Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Music store start

My next model will be a music store that sells records and musical instruments.  After an extended period of research and design thoughts (I did not even do a sketch on this),  I have built the front of the store.  There are more details to be added.  Due to the large front window I will be adding some interior detail.

In 1939 (my modeling era) the records were 78 RPM, and some of the early records were recorded only on one side.  I have some of these.  About 35 yers ago I bought a juke box that plays 78 RPM records.  It plays only one side.  To play the other side I need to take the record out and turn it over.

Above is a photo of my juke box.  It was built about 1939 or possibly earlier.  I takes a while to warm up before it plays because it operates on vacuum tubes.  Vacuum tubes can  still be purchased.  The songs on the records I have inside are very old and interesting.  I have to operate it at least once a month to keep it operating well.  I may try to scratch build a juke box for my model.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Plaster shop model complete

I have completed the plaster shop model,  and have named the business "Get plastered" - a little humor there.  Below is a front view.  On the left is a plaster mixing machine scratch built from wood and scrap parts.  On the left of the porch is the owner sitting in a chair.  There are various figures around the building carrying a ladder and bags of plaster.

This model was fun to build.

The left side above shows a better view of the mixer and some rolls of metal lathing which is applied to walls to hold the plaster in place.

Above is a view of the rear of the building.

Above is a view of the right side showing the truck port and details.

The above photo shows the prototype plaster mixer the I used as a guide for my model.  The mixer barrel is on the right and the motor shed on the left.  There is a plaster "bowl"  at the opening of the mixer to hold the mixed plaster as it is pulled from the mixer.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Plaster shop truck

While I am still working on details for the plaster shop,  I have built a truck for the shop.  I started with a very old cast metal automobile - I do not recall the manufacturer but they are no longer made.  The car was completed and had railroad track wheels.  I removed the wheels and cut off the rear seat area.  I replaced the rear seat with a covered truck platform.  The cab was made with card stock.

I put a low side on the truck back, added a ladder up the right side and placed two ladders on the roof.

Inside the truck platform are a pile of bags of plaster, a wooden barrel and a tool box.  I made he tool box out of paper and inserted some metal pieces resembling tools.  I added a figure sitting on the back of the truck.  The truck wheels are commercial plastic wheels.

This was an enjoyable project and turned out pretty good in my opinion.

As an aside, while building this I came across some small buttons which I think will make good wheels for a future project, but not this truck.

The plaster shop will be done the coming week.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Plaster shop model progress

The plaster shop model is almost complete but a number of details are yet to be added, including signs, a shop truck and more scenery.

I added a dormer window for the second floor and tar paper  roofing (done by my roofing company of course).  There is a pile of plaster sacks on the porch.

On this side is a covered port where the truck will be parked.  I added some shelves from a Sierra West detail part (it was very tall so I cut it in half).  There is a ladder leaning on the port post.

There is a shed at the back for storage of materials.

I glued a wide piece of card stock to the base of the building so I could add scenery and details before it is installed on the layout.

This has been and interesting model.