Sunday, January 20, 2019

Plaster shop model complete

I have completed the plaster shop model,  and have named the business "Get plastered" - a little humor there.  Below is a front view.  On the left is a plaster mixing machine scratch built from wood and scrap parts.  On the left of the porch is the owner sitting in a chair.  There are various figures around the building carrying a ladder and bags of plaster.

This model was fun to build.

The left side above shows a better view of the mixer and some rolls of metal lathing which is applied to walls to hold the plaster in place.

Above is a view of the rear of the building.

Above is a view of the right side showing the truck port and details.

The above photo shows the prototype plaster mixer the I used as a guide for my model.  The mixer barrel is on the right and the motor shed on the left.  There is a plaster "bowl"  at the opening of the mixer to hold the mixed plaster as it is pulled from the mixer.

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