Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Music store progress

My music store model is progressing slowly.  When I include interior details it takes more time.  As usual, the interior details will likely be difficult to see but I like doing it anyway.  The interior details include shelves of records, a shelf at the large window with a record player with a large sound tube on top and a record in its sleeve on display, and a juke box model near the window. There are two musical instruments on a shelf.

Above is the model without the roof so you can see the juke box in the center.

Above is the store with the roof sitting on top,  but not attached.

Above is the juke box model, - a little crude but it will be inside the store so hard to see distinctly.  It is 3' wide and 5' high.

There is a lot more work to do but I wanted to get something posted.

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