Monday, April 8, 2019

Industrial electric contractor co complete

My industrial electric contractor company is now complete (except for a few additional details - hey - when is any model totally complete?).  I added a paper base that extends around the model on all sides to allow for adding details and scenery - more scenery to come.

The porch on the right is the office.  The thing that took the most time since the last posting was the shingles - always a tedious and non-fun part of any structure.  The shingles are by BEST.

The view above shows the platform with a pile of cable drums and some electric components that go on the poles.  You can also see the upper floor hoist on the right.

I added four figures, three seen here and one sitting on the porch.

Above at the right you can see a power transformer sitting on a pallet ready to be used at a customer site, and a rack of wood poles to be used for installation to hold wires.

I will be adding some more scenery and details around the base on the paper ground cover, and then i will be building a portable pole erecting derrick and some interesting specialized trucks. I am having fun with this model.

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