Friday, August 23, 2019

Ladder company start

My next model is a wood ladder company.  The structure has a wide front door opening into the ladder assembly area.  The doors have been assembled but not installed.  To the right is the office area.  At the back of the structure will be a finished ladder storage area.  This company only makes wood ladders.

As you can see the roof has not yet been installed.  The floor inside was made using an old style card stock product called Flexoline which I believe is no longer available.  It has pre-scribed sections that look like scale boards.  It was used as I recall to provide separators for early computer files.  The assembly area will be detailed with wood processing machinery such as saws, lathes, etc.

There will also be exterior details such as wood racks, a sawdust pile, and a wood scrap pile.

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