Saturday, February 1, 2020

Pallet company complete

The pallet company is complete.  The building includes the offices, living quarters and pallet storage.
On the right side is a covered area where the pallets are constructed.  Two workers are constructing pallets - one is cutting the wood and the other is nailing the boards together to create a pallet.

The roof shingles are by BEST, the windows are by Tichy and I do not recall the manufacturer of the doors.  

Against the wall are a work bench and some shelves.  There are some wooden barrels containing nails.  I constructed four saw horses from strip wood which were difficult to build as they are very small and my hands are shaky.  There is a pile of wood on the left to be used for the pallets.  I added sawdust on the floor under the sawhorses.  

There is a pallet stack on the rear platform.

What to do next?????

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