Monday, April 6, 2020

Tannin extraction plant power house start

I have built the interior machinery for the power house and started the structure.  The machinery consists of the steam boiler and the electric generator all scratch built.  The generator was built following a diagram I found on the internet, and it is steam powered by the boiler.

The generator was built using miscellaneous detail parts and plastic, metal and wood scraps.

The boiler was built from various scraps and detail parts, mostly embossed brick paper and card stock following a design by SS Ltd, though mine is smaller.

The structure is partially complete with hydrocal brick walls by CC Crow and a hydrocal stone floor.  

There is no roof yet  and I have not yet added the doors on both sides, both fully open to try and show the machinery inside.  This power house will have wires to the plant buildings requiring power.

1 comment:

  1. I see you have built your own machinery. I had thought about doing that for a pump house I am building. You have inspired me. Now, to engineer the roof so it can removed..
