Monday, August 31, 2020

Wagon repair shop complete

The wagon repair shop is now complete with a fenced in work area and a bit of scenery around the structures.  The whole shop and work area are on a piece of card stock folder that was spray painted before attaching it.

Above is a front view showing the signs and a bit of the yard content.

This end view shows some minor details on the shop roof and a wagon on the right.

Here is a rear view.

This elevated view gives a better view of the yard contents.  On the left side by the fence is a scratch built, open top wagon sitting on blocks being repaired.  There is a very small wagon (cart) near it next to the entrance.  

This elevated view of the rear gives a better view of the wagon being repaired and the stuff in the front corner.

This was an interesting business to construct and there are a lot of spare wheels in the yard area.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wagon repair shop model start

I have started work on a wagon repair shop.  Actually the structure part of the model is essentially complete.  What remains is a fenced in work yard which will contain wagons, wagon parts and more.

The main building has clapboard siding, a tar paper roof and a smoke stack made from a piece of plastic sprue.

The attached structure is a work shop with interior detail.  As usual the interior detail is almost impossible to see but I like doing interior detail.  Inside is a work bench, shelves, saw horses with a board on top, a figure, a hanging hook and a wood barrel.  There is an upper door at the back of of the main building which provides access to the roof.  I am planning to add details to the shop roof top.

Next I will create the fenced in work area.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vintage truck model

I built a Jordan Products truck kit which was a dump truck which I modified to be a standard truck.  I will be adding this to the extract plant as an additional detail.  I added a number of metal barrels, a dolley, and a ladder.

I added more modern headlights.

Sadly Jordan Products went away years ago but i still have a few of their kits.

I have begun work on my next model which is a wagon repair shop.  Since my layout era is 1939  wagons were still in use to some extent at that time.  I remember as a child seeing an ice wagon on the street in front of my house.  The owner gave us kids pieces of ice.