Monday, August 31, 2020

Wagon repair shop complete

The wagon repair shop is now complete with a fenced in work area and a bit of scenery around the structures.  The whole shop and work area are on a piece of card stock folder that was spray painted before attaching it.

Above is a front view showing the signs and a bit of the yard content.

This end view shows some minor details on the shop roof and a wagon on the right.

Here is a rear view.

This elevated view gives a better view of the yard contents.  On the left side by the fence is a scratch built, open top wagon sitting on blocks being repaired.  There is a very small wagon (cart) near it next to the entrance.  

This elevated view of the rear gives a better view of the wagon being repaired and the stuff in the front corner.

This was an interesting business to construct and there are a lot of spare wheels in the yard area.

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