Thursday, October 15, 2020

Truck model for lithography shop

Building this truck took longer than I expected.  The only commercial parts are the wheels and the steering wheel.  The rest was made from wood and card stock with a few other parts.

These photos are not great.  I don't seem to get good photos when photographing small items, or maybe it is my camera.  

The grill on the front is a piece of metal from a filter of some kind that I saved.  

The rear view shows some boxes inside.  They are sections of wood.  

This truck will sit inside the garage of the lithography shop.

Next I will will build some kind of small industry.  It is getting harder to come up with new ideas as I have built so many small  industries.

Due to the oddly revised statistics section of blogger I no longer look at them since they provide almost no information anymore.  I will just rely on comments by my viewers to determine how I am doing and what is of interest. 

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