Saturday, December 5, 2020

Platform Truck Shop

 My next model is a platform truck shop.  They repair platform trucks and other carrier devices including dollies.  The model is not yet complete as I need to build some platform trucks and a storage shed.  

The front view above shows the office and the repair shed with a loading dock.  I installed some interior details but as usual they are hard to see.  I photographed the details before they were installed.

Above are the interior details, from left to right are a cast metal workbench top (not used), a scratch built workbench made from wood with some detail parts and drawers, a set of shelves made from card stock with details, a scratch built dollie, a trash can made from a small section of a plastic straw, and a wood saw horse.  The boxes on the shelves are merely sections of thick wood strips.  

The view above shows the two types of roofs.  The main building has shingles and the shop has a corrugated metal roof. 

Above is a rear view.

Above are examples of the types of devices this shop repairs.

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