Thursday, January 21, 2021

Stove and chimney cleaning shop complete

 The three structures of this model are now complete.  The 3rd structure has a lower and upper storage area with a hoist for the upper area.  I have also added related signs on the outside walls.  

The third structure on the right has an interior furnace with furnaces on both levels.  Both levels have interior details including boxes and other details.  I put some more details on the dock. 

The view above shows the signs.  

Above is a rear view of the complex. 

There is no room on the layout for this structure and there is no room for any other structure unless it is very small.  I may need to remove some of the older structures.  I just like building models.  I seldom run trains.  I did an operation test last week but since I run trains so seldom I found the batteries in the controller had died.  I put in new ones and ran a train - then I took the batteries out.  

Now to decide on my next model.  

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