Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Icebox repair shop start

 This next model is an icebox repair shop.  Iceboxes have a top section where large ice chunks are inserted to keep the lower food storage area cool.  When I was young my grandmother had an icebox in her cottage on the shore of Lake Ontario.  When we visited we had to get large chunks of ice periodically to keep our food cool.

On the left is the office and on the right is a platform which will support the repair shop.  An icebox is sitting on the right side of the platform. 

The entire model is built from wood with commercial shingles on the roof.  The stack on the left was made using a section of plastic sprue.  The windows and doors are commercial plastic parts.  

The icebox model was made from wood pieces and can be seen sitting on the dock.  

Above is a photo that I used as a basis for my model.  

I will now complete the shop model.  

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