Friday, June 18, 2021

Crane & Lift repair shop

My next model is a small crane and lift repair shop.  It installs and repairs these devices.   I have completed the structure but the exterior details and signs are not yet done.  The siding is board and batten and the windows and door are commercial products.  

There are some interior details inside the open door on the dock but as usual they do not show up in photos.   The main interior details are a work bench, lumber and boxes.  Just inside the door you can see part of a sawhorse I built using a different method.  I cut a wood top and added two sets of legs using bent card stock.  It was very easy to build and arrange.  I added cross supports at each end to secure the legs with the proper spread.  

The stairs are a plastic commercial product.  The stack on the back which projects from the upper floor office was made from a plastic sprue with a raised top added on a piece of wire.  

Next I will build a crane or two for the loading dock and a small raised tower to hold lift devices for testing.  I will also add some signs.  

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